Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Knitting Class with my Sista

Last night...I ventured out with my sister and took a knitting class! OMG...let me go on further to say, my sister signed me up for the class, paid my tuition for the class and out knit me! LOL
All joking aside, it was awesome to spend the evening with my sister. I love her dearly and appreciate any amount of time we can spend together. We went out for dinner and then headed to knitting class! The two instructors were so kind, patient and of course...helpful! We started with cotton yarn, knitting needles of course and were taught how to cast on! Then we learned how to do the knit stitch and we were off! Let me say...I did not make much progress in the two hours of class! I went home...slept on the dynamics of knitting and started back at it this morning. It is going much better, although I will let you know the end result!?

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